The Caribbean
Oral Tradition

About this website

Eric DoumercMy name is Eric Doumerc and I teach English at the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès, in Toulouse, south-western France.
My research interests are mainly Caribbean poetry in English and Caribbean musical forms.This website contains a number of book reviews which have appeared over the years in Miranda, the online journal of the English Department of the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès, and some information about my own publications.

Over the years I’ve written mainly about reggae (books about Culture, I-Roy, Burning Spear and a history of reggae in England), and not so much about Caribbean poetry. I did publish many years ago two anthologies of Black British poetry, one with the late Trinidadian poet and activist Roi Kwabena (Five Birmigham Poets) and the other for Smokestack Books, a publishing house run by the poet Andy Croft (Celebrate Wha’). I think that one may be out of print now.